Sunday, August 19, 2007

Philippians 1:3-6

Pictured Above: Me, Adam,Kelly & Megan Pepper - I am grateful to Jesus for these precious people .They have been a huge blessing to me as I have had to learn to adapt to a culture so unlike the one I left back home in the states. What a mighty God we serve! He even cares about who we hang out with ! Anyway - I look forward to getting to know all 3 of these guys better in the future :)


Faye Creech said...

Happy (very late) Birthday, Jena! We really enjoy the pictures and are praying for you and all those around you. BTW, is that a black goat? Cute!

Anonymous said...

Jena, I am going to go to Target this week and do some shopping and send you a package...Miss you bean! email me if there is anything you specifically need.

Stink Bug!