Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Visit To The Neonatal Ward (Evas' Baby)

I went with Sally Pepper today to take Evas some juice & fresh water - I was able to meet her baby girl and her husband Richard. What a joy she is!!! Of course I was dying to hold her - but she is still so fragile and her immune system quite weak. (see prayer requests) I was actually suprised they medical staff let me get close enough to take a few pictures. ONLY IN AFRICA! The Doctors and Nurses in the states would have flipped out! Anyways, The baby is eating well and the mother is fine also. Continue to pray for rest for Evas and that the baby would be healthy and infection free. She's such a little fighter. Ohh and the proud parents haven't come up with a name yet - so yeah if you guys have any suggestions let me know ;)


The Sexton Crew said...

I like the name Jena but maybe that's just me. =)

Three posts back to back. You're spoiling us. Huge, gut-squashing, virtual hugs comin' at ya!

Love you. Amie

Bob A said...

Glad your driving is improving -- and, bushes can be replaced quite easily. :)

Looks like things are going well, though I'm sure seeing Evas' baby so weak can't be easy. We continue to pray for you.

Enjoy 40/40.

Bob Allen

Unknown said...

It's Grandma again - I was so thrilled to be able to enjoy your blog update. Your package is finally in the mail - I hope you receive before your retreat. Your next blog update will be so exciting. Jena, what am I going to do with these preemie caps I'm knitting? Does your clinic need them or can they use them? They are precious and keep Grandma's fingers busy.
I miss you and love you so much!!

Jessica and Brandon said...


Your devotions encourage and challenge me. Thank you for posting what God has put on your heart. We are praying that God will provide your every need emotionally, spiritually, and physically, especially while you are doing bush training. BTW Way to go - working in the dirt! You're awesome. I wish I was there. I miss you. I miss Africa.

Love and Hugs,