Monday, April 27, 2009

He Watches

“My” girls (Jana/Sarah) and I have been having some sleepless nights of late – for no very good reason. Tonight before heading off to “my dungeon” (that’s just how we refer to my room downstairs – didn’t want any of you to think I was a dragon) we discussed that we must be battling the enemy in some way, shape or form for all of us to be not sleeping at the same time. I reminded Jana and Sarah that we were probably doing something right for Christ – which the Devil does not appreciate. So anyways the girls knew just what to do. We prayed for Jesus to cover our “mansion” with his blood protection. After tossing and turning the whole of last night – Jesus blessed me with this devotion.

“A sensitive, timid little boy, long ago, was accustomed to lie down to sleep in a low ‘trundle bed,’ which was rolled under his parents’ bed by day and was brought out for his use by night. As he lay there by himself in the darkness, he could hear voices of his parents, in their lighted sitting-room across the hallway, on the other side of the house. It seemed to him that his parents never slept; for he left them awake when he was put to bed in the morning. So far this thought was a cause of cheer to him, as his mind was busy with imaginings in the weird darkness of his lonely room.

After loving good-night words and kisses had been given him by both his parents, and he had nestled down to rest, this little boy was accustomed, night after night, to rouse up once more, and to call out from his trundle-bed to his strong-armed father, in the room from which the light gleamed out, beyond the shadowy hallway, ‘Are you there, papa?’ And the answer would come back cheerily, ‘Yes, my child, I am here.’ ‘You’ll take care of me tonight, papa, won’t you?’ ‘Yes, I’ll take care of you, my child,’ was the comforting response. ‘Go to sleep now. Good night.’ And the little fellow would fall asleep restfully, in the thought of those assuring good-night words.”

By: Henry Clay Trumball – Keep A Quiet Heart - Author: Elizabeth Elliot

Psalm 4: 8 “I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”

Psalm 63: 6-8 “On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.”

Psalm 121

“I lift my eyes to the hills- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip – he who watches over (Jena, Jana & Sarah) will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over (Jena, Jana & Sarah) – the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm – he will watch over (Jena, Jana, & Sarah’s) life: the Lord will watch over your (our) coming and going both now and forevermore.”

For the record – you would think that after spending two years alone in Uganda this girl would be use to spending sleepless nights alone but– ummm NOPE! Don’t get me wrong Jesus has been the perfect companion for me - but there is something very comforting about the fact that I am going home to be in my own bed on Hill Road in Youngsville in only 34 DAYS. (That’s only thirty- three nights) Just sayin…. Holla at you later gang! MMMMMMMMMWAH


lisaqshay said...

Thank you so much for posting this! Titus, remember the littlest boy? He's five now, in fact, yesterday. Well, he's been having nightmares each AND EVERY night. No matter how much praying and consoling we do, he continues to awake disoriented and troubled. It's killing shawn and I as we are waaaay past the newborn stage of constant interrupted sleep patterns. Dr. Hamp told me today there's nothing more that we can do, other than what we already are doing.
I'm planning on reading him your devotional story to see if it will bring some reassurance that other little boys need to know they are safe at night when they slumber. I will also read the selected scriptures you have cited as well. Thanks for your perfectly timed words.
Now get some sleep yourself!!


Drew said...

That's awesome Jena!!! We Are still praying for you as you prepare to come home!!!

Todd said...

Soon you can have Gracie and Ivy sleeping at the bottom of your bed. Mom just finished your bedroom and it looks GREAT! Mr. Tim just filled up or AC and it is soooooo cool inside the house. Do you remember what AC is? Counting the days....
Love you!

Anonymous said...

The Lord is a shield about you, your glory and the lifter of your head, Psalms 3:3. Driven is praying this for you, Drew.

Laekan said...

So true! I love that you are continuing to let the Lord hold you and sustain you!! I so enjoyed this post! I'm praying for you guys as you end it up there! Hey- we'll be together in 18 days!!!!!! I cannot WAIT to see you and spend some time with you! LOVE you!

Heather said...

Hi, Jena! Heather Parrish here. We met a few years ago at Epicenter at Faith Baptist and I just found your blog off of Amie Sexton's. I didn't realize you were in Kampala, Uganda-- I was there last August building a home for Watoto Childcare Ministries and my boyfriend's returning next week to build a schoolroom for St. Pius Primary School which is just outside the city. I hope everything's going well for you! If you need anything that I can send you by Sunday if Eric can figure out a way to meet you, let me know. :-) -Heather

Heather said...

Um, okay, so by an amazing set of circumstances, I'm going Eric's team. I'll be in Kampala by Tuesday and I'll look for you. I might be with a team of about fourteen, so it could be hard to miss us (unfortunately). Again, I hope everything's going well.